Home and School

We strongly encourage positive school / home relationships so that we can work together for the well being of your child to ensure they fully benefit from all our school has to offer.

We operate an ‘open-door’ policy so that parents can see teachers either before or after school. Parents – please do give teachers a little bit of notice whenever possible so that they can manage their time. Parents may also see the headteacher at any time but, for your convenience, it is helpful if you phone in advance so that we can arrange a mutually convenient time. For security reasons, we ask that all parents report to the school office when entering or leaving the school premises.

When children first start at school we ask them and their parents to agree to sign our ‘home / school agreement’. This is always given out when children start school.  Please click on the document below if you would like to view this prior to your child starting with us.

Home School Agreement


If your child is absent, for whatever reason, please let the office know by phoning on the first day of absence and then in writing when your child returns to school.

Notification of absence is very important so we ask you to comply with this request at all times. If your child is absent and we have not heard from you then we will try to contact you. If we are not given a reason for the absence within 14 days then the absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’.

Please ensure that your contact details are up to date so that we can contact you immediately if there is an emergency or if your child is ill.

Approval for days off must be obtained in advance through consultation with the headteacher. Please note that no more than 10 days leave of absence can be authorised in any school year.

Parental Feedback

Information is formally shared with parents on at least a termly basis with a parent consultation in the Autumn Term, an interim report and optional parent consultation in the Spring Term and a full end of year report in the Summer Term.  If children also have a My Plan, teachers will also provide an extended parent consultation or an additional meeting to discuss the My Plan as well as the support being given at home to allow parents to contribute their ideas.

From the moment children start at our school, our staff work hard to engage parents and build positive home-school relationships.  There are daily opportunities for contact and all teachers are available to talk to parents during the school week; most are available after school and appointments can be made for more

Parental help in School

We are always grateful to those parents who come into school and help. KS1 teachers are always on the look out for willing volunteers to hear readers! 

If you feel that you have a particular talent or area of expertise then your child’s class teacher would love to hear from you.